Sunday, 29 June 2014

Tom's Puppet Pal

Check out Tom's Puppet Pal! We loved the sound effects at the end Tom!

Raynor's Puppet Pal

Check out Raynor's Puppet Pal! She even did her own voice over!

Wednesday, 25 June 2014

Maddy's Puppet Pal

Check out Maddy's Puppet Pal!

Minecraft for Beginners

Kea Room are Minecraft mad! Mrs Sherie thought she would tap into that Minecraft energy and get Kea Room to write explanations for people who have never played Minecraft. We got to use an app called Book Creator and we also had to learn how to take screen shots with our ipads so that we could import the photos into our books.

Mrs Sherie had to learn how to post them online which has been a mission, but she thinks she may have worked it out.

What you need to do is click on the student's name of the book you wish to view. It should take you through to another is hoping! If your child's work is not here don't fret it is coming! Watch this space.....


Puppet Pals

We have been writing a lot of interesting stories in class lately. We have looked at explanations and narratives. Mrs Sherie wanted us to be able to publish our stories in an interesting way. We used an app called Book Creator to publish our explantions (she is still working out how to put them up on the blog). To publish our narratives we used an app called Puppet Pals. Check it out at home it is a lot of fun! Here is Adda's story that Mrs Sherie helped her put together on Puppet Pals.

Puppet Pals is a lot of fun to use! We needed to use two people to put our story together. One to put our play together one to read the story from our book and the other to move the puppets.

Watch out we will be uploading more of these next week!

Thursday, 19 June 2014

Welcome to Meep!

Kea Room has a new classmate! Meep! He has come all the way from Australia. Meep is sent home with one lucky student every night, he has a diary that needs to be filled out to record what he gets up too.The students love hearing about Meep's adventures. Some students have been able to take pictures with him at home and email them to school so we can print them off. We have started a Meep wall as well!

Next time you are at school come and check out what Meep has been getting up too, and don't be surprised if you see this guy come home in your child's bag.